United Mind Workers: Vision & Mission
This is related to my next fiction.
(cc) Topper Sherwood
Labor in the future is better because Intellectual Workers, globally, are organized. Teachers, politicians, actors, journalists, and other cultivators/producers of ‘Spiritual-Intellectual’ Labor (geistige Arbeit) are recognized for serving their communities and society (here or there, large or small) and — as collaborating, non-competing colleagues — are adequately rewarded for their work.
Berliner Diskussionsgrundlage: Zukünftige Arbeit im Jahr 2030 ist besser, weil geistige Arbeiter, global, organisiert sind. Lehrer, Politiker, Schauspieler, Journalisten und andere Produzenten von geistiger Arbeit werden für ihren Dienst an ihren Gemeinschaften und der Gesellschaft (hier oder da; groß oder klein) anerkannt und werden — als kooperierende, nicht konkurrierende Kollegen — für ihre Arbeit angemessen belohnt.
The (Great) VR/AR Novel:
A German/European Treatment
for the Ailing American Geist
The goal of this creative project is to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to treat deep-seated individual and community misunderstanding of contemporary media and social-media networks. The product will deliver an historical allegory showing users how US-based “Big Data/Media” owners have been using information technology to change social thinking and behavior toward selling consumer products while undermining fragile democracies by manipulating political elections across the country, large and small.
Our team will ‘map’ or design a Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) program, a hybrid fiction-nonfiction narrative that gives users close, engaging encounters with the most courageous, innovative, and creative artists and reformers — and their ideas — of the 20th century.
The project goal is to help today’s users, as individuals and collectively: 1) to understand and confront vital social issues of that time and our own, including their understanding of public media — notably newspapers, theater, and film — how they work and how they fail; and 2) to think freely, responsibly, and creatively — perhaps to improve their decision-making skills — toward individual and collective resolution of these parallel social, political, and cultural conflicts, as important in 2019 as they were in 1919.